brand marketing

Brand Marketing: Build a Marketing Strategy In Just 5 Steps

Your impression of our website has already formed? The moment you see any logo, you start developing a perspective about it! Henceforth, who is responsible for it? Who is influencing you in a certain way?

Brand marketing helps a business to create its mark and promotion. It is when an agency promotes brand awareness with the help of marketing efforts. Various brands have established themselves in the cultural landscape, whereas some are waiting to get that recognition.

Brand marketing can help a company get more followers inside their target market and create brand loyalty. However, before we get to that, it is important to know the difference between branding, marketing, and brand marketing.

Branding vs Marketing

Brand marketing is the combination of both concepts, marketing and branding. However, these two business practices are different from one another. Branding is like developing a unique identity for a company and its consumer experience.

Marketing is basically the tactics a company uses to promote its services and products to a particular market segment with the help of data-backed research. And brand marketing is the combination of these two things.

What is brand marketing?

What is brand marketing

Brand marketing is a strategic process that promotes services and products to form a strong connection with customers and build brand loyalty. Brand marketing includes:

Building brand equity

Boosting the reputation of the brand

Inspiring the customers to have trust in brand

Have brand loyalty

Moreover, if the brand marketing strategy is effective, there is a significant increase in brand engagement. This increases revenue and turns loyal customers into brand ambassadors.

Why is brand marketing important?

Why is brand marketing important

Brand marketing is all about recognition, product visibility, market reach, trustworthiness, brand awareness, and brand reputation. This is one of the ways you can promote a product, reach out to the users, and highlight the brand.

This has a particular value that sets your brand apart from other brands. Hence, the services and products you offer them are more valuable. Generally, a brand has some long-term goal of building a community of loyal customers with the help of efficient brand marketing.

Thus, if you have a good strategy, you will stand out, take the business forward with brand new customers, and increase sales. Forming a brand is difficult. The marketing objectives are the actual goals. This creates a particular image for the company and increases revenue.

Let’s look at companies’ common business marketing objectives while designing their brand.

Brand awareness

Building awareness is the actual aim. This way, the customers would memorize and recall your service and product with the help of different kinds of campaigns and advertising activities.

Brand loyalty

The customers mustn’t just choose your brand randomly. They should choose to stick with the brand. The task is to help them choose your brand with the help of your unique products and services.

Brand advocate

You must increase the number of customers by promoting your product through word of mouth and convincing people to choose your brand. They should recommend your services and products to their family and friends.

Brand equity

Established brands with authority in the market are more successful as people prefer to go with a well-known brand to those new in the market.

Brand engagement

With the help of your active user, you must try to increase the engagement. The more the users engage with the brand, like placing orders, reviewing products, and visiting the website, the more your chances are to be recognized in the market.

Brand image and identity

People must recognize your brand with the help of visual elements like packaging, symbols, colors, and logos. And if you are co-branding, ensure the image reflects both your values and ideologies.

Brand marketing strategy: 5-step guide

This is your long-term plan to improve the brand’s position in the market. A strategy will help you organize your efforts to enlighten the customers of your brand. So, gather everything you have, like ad campaign creatives, buyer personas, design elements, and social media content, and follow these steps to form a solid social media marketing strategy.

Identify the brand marketing goals

Identify the brand marketing goals

Think carefully and determine what you want to achieve with your brand marketing. After that, you can think of the tactics that you would use. Also, have a measuring process so you can measure your progress.

Make your goals as specific as possible, and make sure you adjust those as and when needed to build the other parts of the strategy. Here are a few examples of brands that often choose as their marketing goals.

  • Understand the actual appeal of the brand.
  • Develop content to elevate the philosophy and brand vision and increase customer engagement.
  • From the active users, make brand ambassadors who would willingly promote the products and services.

Define your story

Define your story

A brand story is a narrative about the origin of the brand, the purpose and mission behind the brand, and the role customers play in holding the brand strong. The story should be such that the customers relate to it and what the brand represents.

Humans respond to a well-crafted story better, and having a coherent story can make corporate branding more effective. Review everything your company stands for, and do not miss out on the underlying philosophy of it. To bring out the story, answer the following question:

  • How did you start the brand?
  • What events lead to the inception?
  • Why were you inspired to start the brand?
  • What are the problems your brand is helping the customers solve?
  • What customers are your brand satisfying?
  • While designing the brand, what principles and ideas did you incorporate?
  • What does it take to develop every service and product?

After you have all the answers, shape a short, coherent brand narrative. Develop different versions: a short one that can be described in a few seconds or added to any social media profile description and a long one that would be available on the website.

Choose the marketing tactics

Choose the marketing tactics

Review your previous market research, the marketing goals, and the brand story that determines the different tactics you could use to market the brand. Look for the answers to these questions to decide which process you choose.

  • Which marketing channel would you pick to develop a brand presence?
  • How will you coordinate the organic content and paid ad campaigns to tell your story and reach the audience?
  • What is your take on leveraging social media influencers with respect to their relationship with the audience to reach your target market?
  • What referral programs and affiliate marketing will you offer to turn your customers into brand ambassadors?

Develop a marketing collateral

Develop a marketing collateral

In the fourth step, you must create marketing collateral that would talk about the brand’s mission, values, and visual identity and tell the story compelling across all channels. This can include:

  • Business cards
  • Sequences and email campaigns
  • Videos
  • Blog articles, web copy, and other content
  • Print or digital ad creatives
  • Social media posts

Measure your success

Measure your success

Review everything, including your tactics and goals, and then choose the KPIs or key performance indicators that would help you measure the success of the brand marketing efforts. This way, you can find out what is working your way and what is not.

It can include the number of people visiting your site at a particular time or how every individual piece of content is performing.

Improve Your Brand Marketing: Why?

Nowadays, there are a lot of tools and services that facilitate all marketing activities, including brand marketing. Moreover, the main reason for doing this is to advance all the processes and make them more productive and cost-efficient.

These services help you establish effective communication, keep them updated about the latest news, and promote loyalty through messages and email campaigns on social media.

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A self-proclaimed Swiftian, Instagram-holic, and blogger, Subhasree eats, breathes, and sleeps pop culture. When she is not imagining dates with Iron Man on Stark Tower (yes, she has the biggest crush on RDJ, which she won’t admit), she can be seen tweeting about the latest trends. Always the first one to break viral news, Subhasree is addicted to social media, and leaves out no opportunity of blogging about the same. She is our go-to source for the latest algorithm updates and our resident editor.

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