Product Branding

Product Branding: Make A Strategy And Grow Your Business




Product branding is everywhere. The advertisements we see on our phones, the tissue papers we get at a mall, a food stall, or the face wash we choose at a grocery store.

Various companies like Starbucks and Apple must do product branding in a way that seems normal to this environment. 

When you take product branding to this level, there are numerous advantages of that as well. One of the major advantages is that people recognize your product and do not think twice before buying it. They are sure that the product is not going to disappoint them. 

Product Branding: Definition

Product Branding Definition 

Product branding is a combination of message, design, and experience that identifies a product. Then, sets it apart from other products in that category.

This includes everything, from the name, visual content, the materials used, and the way it is presented. Not to mention, it includes the overall look and, it includes the overall look and the product’s packaging. 

Advantages Of Product Branding 

Advantages of product branding

Among various advantages, one of the major ones is that people know your brand. They recognize your brand even though there are numerous brands and similar products. At the highest level, the brand becomes a symbolic representation of the entire category. 

For instance, when we think of chocolate, we instantly think of Hershey’s. When we think of soda, we instantly think of Coca-Cola. So, now you know it is not just corporate branding that can help, but good product branding can make you rich. 

Makes The Product Recognizable

Customers see your product everywhere, and they have the confidence to buy the product from the beginning. Think of Campbell’s soup and Nestle’s KitKat. You recognize the packet the moment you see it. 

However, when a brand becomes popular, there are risks of counterfeiters who can put your brand name at risk. So, while making a strategy, make sure you include brand protection. 

Develops Brand Awareness 

The product creates so much awareness that it takes the brand to an entirely new level. Apple iPod’s product branding strategy turned the computer company into one of the leading tech companies today. 

Sets The Product Different 

If a product is kept on store shelves or sold online, and people go for your brand, you have successfully stood out among your competitors. Think of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Hershey’s Chocolate, or M&M, you will recognize these immediately on a shelf full of candies. 

Forms An Emotional Connection 

There are various channels for reaching out to the customers these days. Use those and form an emotional connection with the customers. Think of Coca-Cola in a glass bottle, and it brings back nostalgia. Of course, it took them time to get brand loyalty, but they got there. 

Becomes The Go-to Product In The Category 

This is the ultimate goal. When a user thinks of a category, your product should come to your mind. Your product should represent the entire category. You must brand the product in that way. 

Things To Keep In Mind While Making A Product Branding Strategy

Things to keep in mind while making a product branding strategy

Product branding is the common point of various parts, like product name, logo, package design, colors, description, brand story, brand voice, and brand values. If you plan on co-branding, think about taking the other brand’s values and voice into consideration as well. 

So, what must you keep in mind while forming a product branding strategy? Let’s have a look. 

Research Your Audience 

Every brand marketing strategy starts with market research. You must think of the audience you want to target and then work backward to create a strategy that aligns with them. Find answers to these questions in this process. 

  • What is the purpose of this product? 
  • Who is the target audience for this product? 
  • Why should they choose your product and not your competitors? 
  • Why did you pick this audience? 
  • What does this audience value? 

Getting important insights about customers is invaluable for your developing a brand. This way, you can see things from your target audience’s point of view. 

Know Your Competition

To have good product branding, your product must stand out from other products. And to achieve that, you must know what you are dealing with. Know your competition. Research your competitors and learn about the latest trends. 

Know how your customers perceive those brands and how you can make them switch to your brand. This would help you create a strong branding strategy. Keep track of their business strategy as well. 

Define Your Product’s Personality 

Make a persona for your products. Give your products a personality and a voice, and they will reach out to a larger audience. Branding is a collection of textures, smells, visuals, sounds, and associations.  

This can help you make choices like how you want to create the logo, the color and packaging, and what other details you want to keep so that others would identify the brand. 

Share The Brand Identity 

Once you have figured out how you want your product brand to look and how it should function!, You must start sharing the story with your audience. Let them know how the brand started, its values, and how it differs from the other brands. 

This way, the audience would feel connected to your brand and get a sense of familiarity. Give them a reason to choose your brand. 

Be Consistent 

 You can approach a strategy in various ways, but there is always one common factor. And that is consistency. Prepare a style guide with all the details of how you will present your brand.

Some of the common things are: 

  • Size 
  • Color palette 
  • Color values 
  • Placement 
  • Imagery 
  • Brand voice 

You also must make sure that you maintain consistency throughout your online presence. Business cards, customer service, and every place where the product is sold should have the same style. Reflect on identity through your marketing and advertising strategies. 

Related: Brand Safety In Advertising: How To Protect Your Reputation Online

Two Major Product Branding Examples 

Every company has its way of product branding, but there are some similarities as well. Here are two brands that had an amazing branding strategy. 



Coca-Cola has been in the market for more than 125 years, and they have passed the test of time with the help of their branding strategy. They have not worked around the logo much but have made minor changes over time. People know their logo by heart, that shade of red, and the shape of the bottle. 

However, they have gone through several relaunches over the last century, keeping the central formula the same. Their recognizable glass bottles have been around for a very long time. The moment you see the red label with a white script, you instantly know it is Coca-Cola. 



The Apple Macbook, iPhone, and iPad have made their category. Apart from its high performance, the product branding helped every one of the products to provide a unique experience. The sleek packaging and the designs speak for itself.  

Their branding strategy was so effective that all their competitors tried their kind of package. 

Make Your Own Unique Strategy 

Even if your company already has brand recognition, never ignore product branding. When you give your product an identity and a personality, customers form an emotional connection with that product.  

These attachments help in making sales worldwide, even when numerous competitors are providing them with the same kind of product, and it can be at a much lower price rate as well.

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A self-proclaimed Swiftian, Instagram-holic, and blogger, Subhasree eats, breathes, and sleeps pop culture. When she is not imagining dates with Iron Man on Stark Tower (yes, she has the biggest crush on RDJ, which she won’t admit), she can be seen tweeting about the latest trends. Always the first one to break viral news, Subhasree is addicted to social media, and leaves out no opportunity of blogging about the same. She is our go-to source for the latest algorithm updates and our resident editor.

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