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When it comes to using social media to further business interests, lawyers and law firms have been traditionally hesitant. In fact, for the longest time, they were one group of professionals that had stayed away from utilizing social media platforms.
However, in recent years, great and result-oriented digital marketing agencies like Constellation Marketing have been helping lawyers and law firms with regard to their social media presence.
The digital (both Search and Social) provides professionals like lawyers with a host of benefits. In this article, we are going to look at some of the major benefits of social media for lawyers.
Before we start discussing the benefits, let us first try to shed some light on the challenges that have kept lawyers, like appeals lawyers criminal, away from social media.
The legal profession comes with its own sets of norms and regulations. When compared to other businesses, the intricacies that are involved are more serious and well-defined. Let us now look at some of the major challenges that have played a role in preventing lawyers from active engagements with social media platforms-
The above challenges are impediments that have prevented constructive engagements of lawyers with social media platforms. In the next section, we will discuss some of the major benefits that lawyers can enjoy from being present and active on social media platforms.
Everyone wants to hire a lawyer who is sharp, experienced, well-qualified, and has a great success rate. This is why lawyers should know that social media gives them a great and favorable arena to display their prowess and skills.
By holding Live Sessions, or discussing prior examples of successful cases, lawyers can build their authority and attract newer clients. A lot of people do not how good or bad a layer is and this prevents them from reaching out. Social media can be a great way to overcome it.
It is true that there is a lot of noise and unwanted chatter on social media. However, a good social media strategy that is based on effective targeting can help lawyers put their content in front of audiences that are looking for real-time legal solutions.
You need a cohesive social media strategy that takes into account paid advertising, hashtag optimizations, and other tricks to reach and connect with audiences. This is by far a larger audience than the one you are going to receive and host on your brand website.
In the last section, we had discussed how calculating ROIs for lawyers can become difficult. One credible way of doing the same is to measure the kind of traffic your social media pages are driving to your business website. This can give you a solid indication of the ROIs.
Your social media pages are like a hook that compels interested audiences to click on your website link and research you even further. You cannot say everything on social media. For that, you have your brand website. Redirecting traffic is one of the key goals of your strategy.
If you are able to leverage social media in the right fashion, you will see your phones ringing. It is true that lawyers that have been able to build trust and establish credibility can generate real-time lead conversions directly from social media itself.
You do not have to give away all the legal solutions during any social media Q and A session. You can ask people who are interested to give you a call if they are experiencing similar problems. Many successful lawyers have teams that handle outreach calls and convert them.
Once you are active on social media, you will start receiving tons of offers for collaborations with brands, influencers, and other stakeholders in the legal fraternity. They will ask you to chair a seminar or come on board as a legal expert at one of their many Webinars.
This will help you build a great fan following and establish your thought leadership in the legal field. More importantly, it can open up other avenues of generating income and revenues apart from your legal practice. This will become part of your networking in a major way.
There is no doubt that the behavior of consumers is changing. They are moving away from mere referrals and walking down to their local lawyers. People are using digital technology, including both search and social to find information, search for professionals, and reach solutions.
For lawyers and law firms, social media presents a clear and present opportunity. It helps in connecting lawyers with their target audiences. It is essential that if you are planning to start with social media, you need to first find out an agency that can help you do that.
Selecting the right social media agency is half the work done. If you have any other questions, you would like us to discuss, let us know in the comments section below. We will try our best to answer as many of them as possible.
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Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at