What about me effect

The What About Me Effect Has Gone Viral On Social Media: Do You Know About It?

TikToker Sarah has set social media ablaze with a newly found “What about me effect.” In response to a recipe video of bean soup, Sarah felt the urge to point out the “selfish and individualistic” culture ruling TikTok. 

TikToker Kara uploaded this bean video in August this year. The recipe showed the use of different types of beans, and it was uploaded as an iron-rich recipe for menstruating girls. All was well since the viewers of this video started commenting on this video. Some of the comments, including, “Well what should I do if I don’t like beans?” and “How do I make this without the beans?” clearly indicated that some viewers were still watching this video, though they have nothing to do or no connection with this video.

This is precisely what this “What about me effect” is about. You are not the target audience for a particular content, and you don’t connect to it on an individual level. Still, you watch the content and forcefully want to be a part of it.

Sarah made it simple. In her viral video introducing the “What about me effect,” she said that people who don’t like beans should have stayed away from watching this recipe video. Instead, they are watching it and making irrelevant comments about the content. She said,

“I think it’s this individualistic culture that we have created where we make everything about ourselves and seek out accommodations and validation for everything.”

She even cited her example. She mentioned that she is gluten-intolerant. So, it would be stupid for her to watch every baking video and write in the comment section that she cannot have gluten. The right thing is to watch videos that show making gluten-free bread because she is the target audience for that video, and there is a direct connection.

Overall, Sarah advised viewers to refrain from asking creators about their individual scenarios. She mentioned,

“Not everything can apply to every single person and there doesn’t always need to be a specific accommodation for you.”

So, if you don’t connect to some content or it does not suit you, avoid watching it instead of trying to make stupid connections.

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Sibashree has been into SEO and eCommerce content writing for more than 9 years. She loves reading books and is a huge fan of those over-the-top period dramas. Her favorite niches are fashion, lifestyle, beauty, traveling, relationships, women's interests, and movies. The strength of her writing lies in thorough research backing and an understanding of readers’ pain points.

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