Resources for E-Commerce Business Success
Nabamita Sinha, 2 days ago
Good website design is very important for any business especially if they are trying to find success online. If your website does not have a chance at a good search ranking, then very few people will ever see your website and come across.
To avoid having a website that is not friendly with the search engine, you must take into consideration some basic SEO rules and principles and develop good content. As a web designer, you will have to think every decision very thoroughly in order to encounter the issues other people deal with when creating websites.
To help make it easy for you, mentioned below are some top ten great SEO tips to create SEO-friendly websites without sacrificing your style and creativity. Keep on reading to find out!
Using Flash for navigating on your website is not a very good idea especially if you are not aware of how to make the Flash object web-crawler-friendly and more accessible. Search engines can have a really hard time crawling onto a website that makes use of Flash.
Instead of making use of Flash you can make use of CSS and unobtrusive JaveScript to help provide the fancy effects need on your website. This will also help you to create your website the way you want without sacrificing the ranking on the search engine. Apart from navigation, you also need to focus on popup form for making your site more attractive to the users.
In this way, you not only get access to a wider audience and customer base, but also prevent lawsuits filed by users to offer them great discounts or deals in return of sharing their email addresses. Here, you can consult a specialist like “Tada” that can help in installing email sign up pop up form.
It is important that you put your scripts outside the HTML document when coding your website. The reason for this is that search engines see your website through what is enclosed in the HTML document. If your javascript and CSS are not externalized, then they can add any additional lines of code in your document.
These additional lines, in most cases, be ahead of the original content and will make crawling them slower. Search engines prefer to grab the content of the website as quickly as they can.
The content of the website is the key ingredient of the website, and this content is what the search engines feed on. When creating a website make sure that you acknowledge the good structure of the website content such as the headings, links, paragraphs and more.
Sites that have little content tend to thrash about in the search engine’s result and, in most cases, you can avoid this if you have proper planning done during the stages of website designing. An example of this is that you must avoid using images for texts unless and until you make use of a technique known as CSS background image text replacement.
To make your website search friendly, you cannot make use of URLs such as query strings that are hard to crawl. Instead, the best URLs make use of keywords that help in describing the entire content of the page. However, be aware of some content management systems since they make use of automated generated numbers and codes for page URLs.
Good content management systems allow you to customize your website’s URL and make it prettier.
Your site may contain pages that you do not want your search engine to index. These pages can be pages not adding any value to your site and content, for example, a server-side script. These pages even include pages you use to test the design being build on your website.
Do not expose their pages onto the web robots as they can create duplicate content issues with the engines and ruin the real content density of your page. This can also have a negative effect on your websites rank on the search engine.
Your image alt attributes must be descriptive, and they should be W3C-compliant 100%. However, many web developers comply with this requirement by just adding text, and this is wrong. Having no alt attribute is better than having an inaccurate al attribute.
If your website comes with a blog, then you must consider creating some room for the latest posts to be placed. Search engines appreciate the change of content from time to time, and this helps in indicating that the website is well and alive.
With the changing of content, there is also a greater crawling frequency by the engines as well, and this is good for your website. However, avoid showing full posts as this can create duplicate content issues and this is dangerous for your website.
Make sure that when creating a website the title of the pages, keywords, and descriptions must all be different. What happens most of the time is that web designers create a template for a specific website and then forget to change the mate data.
This causes several pages to make use of the original placeholder information causing problem for the new website. Every page must come with its own metadata, and this will help search engines having a better grasp of how the website is constructed.
The headings tags in your web content page must be used smartly as they can provide the search engine with information on the construction and structure of the HTML document. Search engines also place a higher value of these tags as compared to other text present on the web page.
Search engines appreciate a well-formed clean code, more than anything else. This clean code helps in indexing the site easily and can also indicate how well the website is constructed. So follow the W3S standards for SEO-friendly websites.
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Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.