best time to post YouTube Shorts

When Is The Best Time To Post YouTube Shorts? [2024 Guide]




There’s a famous saying – time is money – a concept I believe in. I think timing your efforts correctly will bring you the best results. However, did you know that the same applies to YouTubers as well? Since time is essential, many budding YouTubers ask this question: when is the best time to post YouTube Shorts? 

While we already made a guide to help you understand the best time to post on YouTube, this platform’s landscape has dramatically changed. However, with the rising popularity of short-form content and TikTok, YouTube Shorts are becoming more popular than full-length videos. 

Therefore, to learn how to get more views on YouTube Shorts, you must understand the best time to post YouTube Shorts. After analyzing hundreds of YouTube channels and doing a lot of research, I can finally answer your question. 

Therefore, read this post to know when is the best time to post YouTube Shorts according to various countries! 

Best Time to Post YouTube Shorts – Does It Really Matter?

Best Time to Post YouTube Shorts – Does It Really Matter?

Yes – knowing when is the best time to post YouTube Shorts does matter. 

YouTubers must learn this since people from different countries have different viewing preferences.  

For you, the best time to post YouTube Shorts will depend on your target audience. More specifically, it will depend on a few specific factors about your target audience. 

But why is timing important? 

Following a proper upload schedule for your YouTube Shorts is necessary because: 

1. It Improves Audience Engagement

There’s a saying that once you create a consistent habit, it becomes difficult to break free from it. You can say the same for building viewing habits in your target audience and subscribers. 

If you consistently post YouTube Shorts simultaneously, you will automatically habituate your subscribers to anticipate your next post and open YouTube around the same time. 

The result? It keeps your subscribers engaged with your content. Moreover, once you post a YouTube Short or video, you will instantly get a few views and links moments after you post it since your audience knows your timing. Consequently, it improves the visibility of your Shorts. 

2. It Improves the Visibility of Your Shorts

Learning when is the best time to post YouTube Shorts will help the YouTube algorithm pick up on consistent timing. Therefore, what do you think will happen if you post Shorts when your target audience is highly active on YouTube? 

Posting Shorts during peak hours improves their visibility by a mile. Moreover, if one person sees your Shorts, it will soon spread like wildfire during peak hours! 

3. Long-Term Growth

All three benefits of learning when is the right time to post YouTube Shorts lead to one ultimate result – faster channel growth.  

Following a strict posting time lets your subscribers anticipate when they will see your Short. Moreover, you will instantly get likes and shares and a few potential subscribers! 

Over time, maybe in a year or two, you will see a lot of subscribers on your channel, helping you earn more revenue from YouTube Shorts monetization

Case Study: Finding the Right Time to Post YouTube Shorts for Cooking Channel

Case Study: Finding the Right Time to Post YouTube Shorts for Cooking Channel

The best time to post YouTube Shorts will depend on your target audience’s culture, daily lives, and, more importantly – their demography. Let me explain how. 

Suppose you learned how to start a cooking channel on YouTube and finally made one. Now, who do you think your target audience will be?  

According to a report in collaboration between Google, Millward Brown Digital, and Firefly, millennials (born between the early 1980s and the mid-1990s) watch the most cooking videos on YouTube.  

Moreover, the report also indicates that millennial moms and women are the prime target audience for cooking channels on YouTube. 

Now, imagine yourself as one of them. Considering that most millennial moms and women are married homemakers or single and working thirty-year-olds, when do you think they will most likely be free to watch cooking videos on YouTube? 

They are most likely to watch cooking videos on YouTube when they are: 

  • On the commute from work to home after work and vice versa. 
  • When they are home cooking (morning breakfast or dinner). 

Therefore, when do you think the specific times are? From the two examples above, you can say that it will be during the morning (6 am to 9 am) and the evening (6 pm to 9 pm). 

However, always remember that YouTube must index your Short first to make it appear in your target audience’s feeds. 

Therefore, the best time to post YouTube Shorts for a cooking channel will be between 3 am and 4 am and between 3 pm and 4 pm in the afternoon. 

How To Find When Is the Best Time to Post YouTube Shorts?

How To Find When Is the Best Time to Post YouTube Shorts?

Did I convince you enough to learn when is the best time to post YouTube Shorts in 2024? 

I hope I did. However, did you know there is a simple way to check the best time to post YouTube Shorts, specifically for your channel, using the YouTube Creator Studio

That’s right! Therefore, follow these steps to find the best time to post YouTube Shorts for maximum benefits! 

  1. First, log in to your YouTube Channel
  1. Next, click on your profile icon at the upper right corner of the screen. 
  1. Now, go to YouTube Studio
  1. On your Channel Dashboard, click on Analytics on the left of your screen. 
  1. By default, it will show the Overview section. Therefore, click on Audience
  1. Now you can see a section called When your viewers are on YouTube. Here, you will see a graph that shows when your subscribers and viewers are most active on YouTube every day of the week! However, it will show viewer activity data only from the last 28 days

That’s it! Now you have found out when is the right time to post YouTube Shorts specifically for your audience! Now, you must create Shorts and post them an hour before the hours your audience is most active! 

The Best Time to Post YouTube Shorts in Various Countries

The Best Time to Post YouTube Shorts in Various Countries

According to Buffer, Statusbrew, Hopper, and SocialPilot reports, the best time to post YouTube Shorts varies between countries. 

Therefore, after analyzing these reports, here are the best times to post YouTube Shorts on weekdays and weekends: 

Weekdays (Monday – Friday)

Time: 12 pm to 2 pm and 4 pm to 6 pm 

The best time to post YouTube Shorts on weekdays is from 12 pm to 2 pm during noon and from 4 pm to 6 pm. 

This is because reports indicate that people watch Shorts mostly during quick lunch breaks between work. Due to the short break period, people prefer watching Shorts instead of longer YouTube videos. 

Since lunchtime is typically between 1 pm and 3 pm globally, posting an hour or two before this time will significantly impact your Short’s performance. 

Moreover, uploading YouTube Shorts between 4 pm and 6 pm will also be beneficial. This is because many prefer watching Shorts while commuting and returning home from work, which typically ends around 5 pm. 

Weekends (Saturday – Sunday)

Time: 9 am to 10 am 

The best time to post YouTube Shorts on weekends is from 8 am to 10 am. 

Since people typically don’t have work during weekends, they are more likely to watch YouTube Shorts during their late-morning breakfast – or even brunches. Moreover, they are most likely to go out with their friends and family during the evenings. 

Therefore, posting YouTube Shorts on weekend mornings will maximize your Shorts’ performance. 

Timing It Right to See Results!

Now that you know when is the best time to post YouTube Shorts, what are you waiting for? 

You must post YouTube Shorts from 12 pm to 2 pm on weekdays and from 9 am to 11 am on weekends. 

Therefore, start creating shorts and schedule them accordingly to get them posted at the right time before your audience’s! Soon, you will see more impressions, views, and engagement on your YouTube Shorts – along with new subscribers!  

Soon, you will grow your YouTube channel in no time! 

Thanks for reading this post! Moreover, if you learned something valuable from this post, please comment and share it with others!

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Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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