7 Reasons Your PPC Campaign Isn’t Converting (And How to Fix It)
Pijus Maity, 3 days ago
Most firms realize the benefits and advantages that can be gained from putting their business online and establishing a web presence and, these days, it’s easier than ever to build and deploy a site – often in a matter of days.
If you use the services of a design professional, the design and build of a site can be quick, and, using modern template layouts is usually very cost-effective. However, while a designer might be able to put together a great-looking, slick site for your firm, very few will also help you with producing content for the pages. That will largely come down to you (or a professional copywriter should you decide to hire one).
Of course, no article about text could be complete without at least mentioning Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT – and you may even be tempted to use one for your copy. However, while it’s true these services can generate vast reams of text in mere seconds, it’s simply not possible for an AI bot to encompass the same level of detail about your firm and what you do.
Plus, the result will also lack the human touch and personal ‘voice’ of your company. Consequently, as a rule, when it comes to writing about your company, you’re far better off taking the time to craft your own copy or, as noted above, hiring a professional writer.
Writing for the web is unlike writing for any other medium and there are some tried and tested rules and guidelines you should try to adhere to, to get the best results.
Below are just a few:
There is often a tendency when it comes to putting together business copy for the writer to go into exquisite detail – things that may interest you but that your audience doesn’t need to know. People are busy and there are few things more off-putting to a website visitor than lines and lines of text. Less is more when it comes to online, so be concise.
Google and other search engines are now using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to read and interpret web content, just like a human. Where possible, you should always use keywords and phrases that people would use to find your firm. This also has the knock-on effect of letting your user quickly know your specialist areas – for example, a civil engineering firm might include ‘structural inspections in St. Louis’.
Headings are your friend when it comes to breaking up text but they also have the added advantage that Google prioritizes <h> tagged text, so you should include keywords in your headings too.
Very much linked to the point above about long text being off-putting to users, you should frequently split your text into paragraphs.
It should go without saying but you’ll want to include the most important information at the beginning of your text to save users from having to search for it.
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Arnab Dey is a passionate blogger who loves to write on different niches like technologies, dating, finance, fashion, travel, and much more.
Nabamita Sinha, 5 days ago