how to make money on Pinterest

How To Make Money On Pinterest? Here Is A Detailed Guide For All The Beginners



Did you know that 98% of users have reported trying something new after browsing Pinterest? Yes, a whopping 98% of people. This is one of the reasons why Pinterest is getting so big in the lifestyle business community. Plus, why are more people wondering how to make money on Pinterest?

The flair of self-care, becoming “that girl,” or simply trying to change your lifestyle is what compels many to go to Pinterest. The fresh ideas you get every minute, matched with the different aesthetics, work as the perfect motivator.

This is why your chances of earning money with this application are greater than any other. Especially if you play your cards right. So, how are you going to strategize & earn more through Pinterest?

Keep reading our expert guide!

How You Earn Money Over Pinterest?

How You Earn Money Over Pinterest?

Before you ask how to make money on Pinterest, it is important to understand how one makes money over Pinterest. This is the mechanism by which transactions happen over Pinterest.

Pinterest does not provide money directly. Therefore, unlike YouTube, you wouldn’t get funds directly transferred to your Pinterest business account.

However, there are indirect means to earn from Pinterest. Two of the most popular ones, which many use, are:

Paid Partnership: This is where you will need a business account. Then, you need to create compelling pins with indirect product placement. In your “Advanced setting,” only found in business accounts, you will see the “tag a brand” option. Then, the brand will approach you to sign a paid partnership deal. You will likely get a paid partnership if your post gets many views and saves.

Affiliate Marketing: Another way to earn money through Pinterest is through affiliate marketing. However, remember that Pinterest won’t give you money with every click. Therefore, it is an indirect affiliate where your connection is directly with the brand.

However, affiliate marketing over Pinterest is easier than any other because of its visual appeal. This compels people to scroll through the application for hours and make their “dream wishlist.” Brands must find your profile and reach over Pinterest commendable enough to pay you.

What Is Pinterest Creator Hub?

What is Pinterest Creator Hub?

When we are talking about how to make money over Pinterest, talking about the Pinterest Creator Hub is inevitable.

This is a Pinterest community that you can only access through your mobile application. Once you have your business account, you can easily access Pinterest Creator Hub.

This is also where you will verify yourself and your business. Brands will look at this before they sign a brand deal with you. They will have to ensure whether you are a credible source.

How To Make Money on Pinterest?

How To Make Money on Pinterest?

Now, coming to the real deal, which everyone has been waiting for. How can you make money on Pinterest?

In this excerpt below, I will be giving you some of the most popular ideas about which you can earn on the Platform.

Disclaimer: Remember, Pinterest is not a means to make easy money. You must remain active, know all the industry trends and new product launches, grow your following, and sometimes even pay from your pocket. However, with perseverance, you will be able to succeed.

1. Affiliate Marketing

One of the first ways to start earning on Pinterest is to up your affiliate marketing game. According to a survey, 48% of Pinterest users have an income of more than $100K annually. Making it one of the most customer-rich platforms on which to sell.

The visual appeal makes people think they need something to add value to their life. Plus, brands get 5 times more impressions when they catalog a product over Pinterest.

You already have solid grounds to open your Pinterest affiliate marketing program. However, linking to certain products might not bring money to your account.

Start by writing high-quality articles and linking them to Pinterest. There is a high chance that someone will read your blogs on Pinterest if you make them appealing enough.

Studies have shown that viewers like to read articles on Pinterest more than they get on Google SERP. The aesthetical appeals compel them to read more.

Therefore, once you grow your credibility with your products, you can sign up for affiliate programs offered by different brands and start enlisting affiliate links.

2. Becoming An Influencer

Now, this is a long stretch when answering how to make money on Pinterest. However, posting regularly and adding attractive pins to your account can help you do that.

Plus, Pinterest is a great source for an introvert who is not comfortable in front of the camera but would still want to become an influencer.

This is because high-quality images and unique pins are the way to go. More people saving your pins will help increase your followers. Now, all there is left to do is tap into the right market.

Take some time to research the algorithm. What is your target audience searching for? Alongside this, try to upskill your photography and editing skills. Remember, the more authentic content you provide, the more likely someone will follow you.

It doesn’t always have to be unique (…because, let’s face it, by this time, almost everyone has done it). Just focus on putting out original content at a constant frequency.

3. Become A Pinterest Virtual Assistant

If you are asking how to make money on Pinterest, remember that this Platform offers some of the most unique ways.

Becoming a Pinterest VA will open the door to that world where you can showcase your imagination and strategic knowledge. You can also assist businesses or bloggers in getting the maximum benefits from this visual Platform.

Start by honing your Pinterest skills a little!

Like knowing the algorithm, being proficient in pin creation, and applying the SEO methods catered only to Pinterest.

After that, create a portfolio containing your pins that can captivate people; the driving force in attracting followers and direct targets for visitors are all a part of this.

Building connections is essential to the game. Therefore, invest some time in your social media profiles, join VA groups on Facebook and LinkedIn, and offer the services on freelance platforms.

You also need a never-ending learning cycle about the trends of Pinterest and changes to be the top-notch service.

4. Partnership With Creators

When it comes to how to make money on Pinterest, the second-best thing is to create a partner with a creator. However, there is a method to the madness:

  • As a beginner, getting engaged with other accounts is crucial, as well as commenting, repining, and following. Develop a close working relationship before you even think of pitching a partnership.
  • After establishing communication, you must contact them with a straightforward, crisp proposal. Spotlight what opportunities you have and that working together makes it possible for both parties to achieve a better outcome.
  • Through collaboration, attention-grabbing and viral content will be developed that will be equally enjoyed by both audiences. This can include co-created pins and boards. Influencers may want to try out Pinterest Lives.
  • Make sure to update your Pinterest page and other social media profiles with all the collaborative content and capitalize on the social media networks to increase the reach and engagement of your fans.
  • Leverage Pinterest analytics to monitor how much your interactive attempts succeeded. Evaluate your actions and adapt them to function better.
  •  In partnerships, paid affiliate links or sponsor content can be used to monetize the partnership. Also, collaborative product/service is a common option.

30-Day Pinterest Marketing Challenge

30-Day Pinterest Marketing Challenge

A Pinterest marketing campaign is a journey you will enjoy; it is one way to make your brand stand out.

It is a journey of starting guided, strategy, and continuous engagement. For this, let’s dig into a daily foundation that is straightforward and tailored to enhance your Pinterest efficiency.

Week 1: Foundation Building

This is your first week towards making the ultimate Pinterest account.

Day 1: Profile Optimization

I will begin by fine-tuning my profile. Is your bio exciting and clear, or do you use too many jargon words? Do you have a driving force that resonates with your brand, and what is it about?

Day 2: Board Creation

Design boards with memorable features that people in your niche will identify with. Are they specific and directed at your audience?

Day 3: Keyword Research

Have firsthand experience in keyword research today. Which keywords does it search in?

Day 4: Aiming To Tighten The Brand’s Look

Understand the fundamentals of creating these eye pins. Are your pins graphic, and is there the right branding?

Day 5: First Pins

Design and make your very first pinned post. Create an 8-10 slide presentation that addresses the following: Are they written with your selected keyword, and does your keyword mostly coincide with the content?

Day 6: Competitor Analysis

Watch how they do it so that you beat your competitors. What is your next move; plan some strategies! Check through their Pinterest board ideas. What are they doing, and you are not? How can you make it better?

Day 7: Aim to build a personal brand

Locate and become a part of the group boards related to the niche you plan to grow.

Week 2: The Part That Includes Contents Strategy Development

How to make money on Pinterest? Checking analytics is always the way to go!

Day 8: An Analytic Report after Planning a Content Calendar

Create a plan for the editorial calendar for a month. Are you targeting many topic areas in the niche you provide or too many, ensuring the importance of just a few?

Day 9: High-Tech Vault Concepts

Try using round, triangular, or square pins. You can also use embossed pins. Are videos or carousel pins the latest hype among competitors for you?

Day 10: Schedule Pins

This can be accomplished by scheduling pins using Pinterest’s scheduler or a third-party tool. Timing is crucial in your posts, too. If you are not publishing at the right instant, your followers could miss it. It is difficult to understand when your followers are online.

Day 11: Analyze the characteristics of Pins

Review its pin performance by now. How does it work? What does not?

Day 12: SEO Optimization

Tune up your SEO practices by taking the lessons you learned. Is your pins and boards’ SEO On track?

Day 13: Speak directly with Your Clients

Today is to engage with the audience. Are you messaging back to comments and DM’s?

Day 14: Collaboration Outreach

Approach existing partners or channels of influencers. Do you clarify how the partners are going to work together?

Week 3: Engagement And Sustainability

Coming to the third week of how to make money on Pinterest

Keep in touch with Pinterest trends to track the popular ones. Is your pin meaningful on the up-to-date recent trends, or is its last season’s fashion disintegrating?

Day 16: Promote Pins

Try making a pin and advertising it first. Do you wish to achieve clear and defined objectives through your ad?

Day 17: Map Your Strategy

Analyzing the date and time, you should rebuild your pinning strategies. Did you come up with a new way of gaining from it?

Day 18: Developing Rich Pins

You can set Rich Pins, which improves engagement. Before adding metadata to your pins, here are a few questions you should ask yourself. Does it create or en.aDoese information on the pin? Is it contextually & visually answering the question the viewer is asking?

Day 19: Community Building

Pay special attention to your Pinterest community as directions. Do you follow the pages that are like yours? The question is whether you participate in the community.

Day 20: Feedback Request

Discover what your listeners or peer community think. Are such areas being identified, and are possibilities for improvement being considered?

Day 21: Self-Analyse And Prepare

Think about how the last two weeks have gone. By any means, what operations are effective and worth piling more layers on?

Week 4: Growth And Profitability

If you have come this far, it is time to give yourself a pat on the back. Only the final week is left to get your ultimate Pinterest account.

Day 22: Affiliate Marketing Strategy

This will enable your brand to reach a broader customer base through partnerships with influencers and influential individuals within a market segment.

If you are not yet now is the time to include affiliate links you wish to share in your pins. However, it must be as natural as possible. Do they hold a message or just look like a quick cash grab?

Day 23: Check Pinterest For Ecommerce

You can take your sales to the next level if your products are available in your Pinterest shop. Have you optimized your product pin by adding a price or your product description, for instance?

Day 24: Alertness is a key ingredient in improving our analytics

It is desirable to swim very deep in Pinterest analytics. What insights do you get from your audience regarding their demographics, interests, and lifestyles, which could influence your marketing efforts?

Day 25: Try New Things

Set out to introduce a new prototype based on analytics insights. Are they increasing engagement?

Day 26: Design for Successful Strategies

Identify the most profitable principles and policies and scale them out. What concrete actions can you take to showcase those insights, especially in your new posts?

Day 27: Expanding the Product Range

Use the function features currently available on Pinterest. Do they run until you achieve your goal?

Day 28: Networking

Make extra efforts to build contact with people using the Pinterest platform and other brands. Have you built sustainability networks or developed meaningful relationships?

Day 29: Set up Long-term Goals

Goals shouldn’t be seasonal and short-term, as we will find ourselves in the same spot at the end of the season. It should be long-term and oriented towards a lasting period.

Using the challenge results, decide how many sectors (political, ethical, economic, etc.) you would like Pinterest to spread and your ultimate vision for the Platform. How do you plan to increase the revenue to 30% in the next six months?

Day 30: Celebrate to Spread the Awareness and Send It Back to the People

Here is your chance to celebrate the process and results. Finally, what have you taken away that can build a solid foundation for future development?

This 30-day challenge is made to initiate your Pinterest marketing experience, where only you will have to think about growing, fostering engagement with your pins, and regular content creation.

Ideas, adaptability, and principles that rule Pinterest are essential to succeeding and achieving goals. But continue experimenting with the Pinterest platform, and you will see the results.

It Can Happen!

Here’s the deal- don’t chalk Pinterest earning opportunity as a childish dream; it opens many possibilities for creators, marketers, and entrepreneurs. Remember these things and keep persevering.

Stick to your Niche

What would you consider your strengths? This will be the niche you identify with the most. Whatever interests you, from house décor to physical fitness, will be your road. Be more precise, please! This way, you create a more organic target audience funnel, including only those who want to see what you offer.

Optimize for SEO

Are they titled with relevant keywords or just random phrases unrelated to the search terms potential customers might use?

Incorporate keywords in all the places available, such as pin titles, descriptions, and your profile, as it might help users discover your content. Be the audience; the search bar could not have left them with other options.

Engage and Grow

Do you involve your community, or is it just them and the pins?

A one-way conversation can never allow you to earn!

Reciprocating, reposting, reacting to comments, and repining content from different pinners build your base.

You will have many chances to make money as you reach a larger audience.

Hopefully, we can give you a better answer on how to make money on Pinterest. Have you tried any of these techniques? Let us know in the comment section below!

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A self-proclaimed Swiftian, Instagram-holic, and blogger, Subhasree eats, breathes, and sleeps pop culture. When she is not imagining dates with Iron Man on Stark Tower (yes, she has the biggest crush on RDJ, which she won’t admit), she can be seen tweeting about the latest trends. Always the first one to break viral news, Subhasree is addicted to social media, and leaves out no opportunity of blogging about the same. She is our go-to source for the latest algorithm updates and our resident editor.

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