Resources for E-Commerce Business Success
Nabamita Sinha, 1 day ago
When you talk to any millennials, they will tell you that among the most popular social media networking platform is Instagram. Today, one Instagram facts are that it has a user base of over 700 million active users. This has made it even the best platform for most advertisements.
This photo-sharing platform is taking the internet by storm, and it has no signs of even making a halt soon. Before the existence of Instagram, Facebook was the most oppressive social media platform.
And when Instagram boomed in looking like it could be the next big thing, Facebook bought the company in 2012. And since then, Instagram is one of the world’s top and most social networking platforms around.
From the most loved pictures to top users who are getting paid per posts, there exist more Instagram facts out there you do not know.
We are talking about ways in which you can get to reach your target audience, especially when trying to boost your businesses. The fact is that Instagram is not only about posting fun, family pics, holidays, or food. It can be a platform for boosting your business as well.
With Instagram, it is now becoming a more critical brand building, content marketing, and audience building tool for most businesses. Among the Instagram, Facts are that there will be plenty of people out there promising to grow your Instagram followers.
But you should be cautious as most of them are using fake accounts created by bots to increase your numbers. Usually, these types of followers will have zero value. To some extent they can be even dangerous, they can steal your photos, password or infect your account with a virus.
Therefore, when it comes to building your Instagram followers, the best way could be through authenticity to your audience and even brand. The three tips below can also aid you in getting real Instagram followers;
Read more: How to Plan Your Instagram TV Strategy
When you use Instagram to share your posts to get followers, use hashtags telling stories about the images you share. Of cos, you want to perk conversations, especially when you share posts like product launches, contests, promotions, or events.
Think of something different. Use hashtags that can encourage people coming together, sharing your photos. By doing this, you can always be discovered in the Instagram searches and thus building up followers.
Read more: How to Become an Instagram Influencer
Among Instagram, facts are that it is all about photos. And therefore, most people will always think of the caption as an afterthought. One thing you need to do is never to neglect the image caption.
More so, you can promote more sharing and even increase your engagement through sharing by using descriptive words. Ensure that they are entertaining, inspiring, and engaging to your followers.
When seeking to find more followers, you can consider doing this;
Remember, when it comes to using your Instagram posts to get more followers, try being authentic. Create breath-taking stories with informative captions. Do not use questions in all the jobs you are doing. Tell true stories.
One of the ideal ways when it comes to building your Instagram followers is by getting to know who your neighbors are. Whether you want to create Instagram ads or doing some promotion of your events, check out to find out what is going on near you.
You can go to the search pages and click on the places tab. Type in the locations to see the geotagged posts for the areas. You can then visit the recent and relevant tagged posts. When you leave a comment or an emoji, then this could be the start of an organic interaction.
Therefore when it comes to building your Instagram followers, no shortcuts, no bots. One thing you need to do is trying hard to engage with your audiences and then turning them into your potential followers.
Read More: Using Instagram Analytics for Growing Followers and Engagement
Instagram is now getting more and more popular. The thing is that o Instagram most of the celebrity’s posts are getting more followers on an hourly basis than most of us in a year. Though Instagram is not just impressive on the surface.
There are lots of Instagram facts and statistics that can demonstrate how popular and influential this social networking platform is. Instagram has a lot of cool things that you even do not know despite being a frequent user.
The lists below thus give a summary of the twenty Instagram facts that you should know. These lists of effects will help you when you try explaining to others the relevance and popularity of Instagram.
Instagram is the most popular in the United States. However, with its short existence, it has now become a global brand. It is a fact that now abbot seventy percent of its users are coming from other places other than the U.S.
Among the Instagram, facts are that in less than six years, it was found out that 30 billion photos were uploaded on Instagram. Since its launch in 2010, it has gone on to become the go destination where people share files, photos, and selfies.
People will always prefer doing selfies on different occasions they attend. Kendall Jenner on Instagram has the most liked picture, and it is a selfie. And the post by her half-sister –Kim Kardashian took over number one as it was impressive with 3.5 million likes and 167 thousand comments. It was a selfie.
The love hashtag is one of the popular Instagram facts that people cannot do without. Love rules the roosts when it comes to the Instagram hashtags. The other top tags include #fun, # happy, #beautiful, # me, # TBT, # cute.
Read Also: How to Boost Content Marketing with Proper Hashtag Research
Almost 77.6 million of the Americans are on Instagram. This makes up to about twenty-four percent of the country’s overall population.
Celebrity commendations and product placements are not new. But with social media, things are getting that different. Whenever big names on Instagram account post pictures with brands in some way endorses, they usually get paid in big bucks.
This is one of the Instagram facts that is being utilized by most business owners. Some of the top users receive as much as $ 300,000 for their single posts.
When you combine the Kardashian and Kyle followers, they sum up to 169 million followers. In short, their number of followers is 26 million more than the population of Russia. This is one of the Instagram facts that is very surprising.
This probably is an Instagram fact that does not come with many surprises to most of the people. According to statistics done in 2019, it is evident that nearly sixty percent of the teens are accessing a social media platform. And more of them are now more on Instagram.
In 2015, when geotagging was done, New York’s Time Square was the most Instagram accessible location. The top five were Los Angeles’s Dodger’s Stadium, Moscow’s Red Square, London’s Tower Bridge, and Paris’s Eiffel Tower
Instagram was launched in 2012 when Facebook bought it for only $ one billion. This sounds like a lot, but it was termed to be a steal. According to things in standpoint is that Instagram expects to make almost $ 3 billion in ad revenues.
And of cos, this is on top of all the money Facebook is making from its ads.
One of the Instagram facts is that despite the money one is making, all people from different economic classes have no impact on whether or not they are on Instagram. According to a study, it was found out that the lowest and highest economic groups were equally likely to use Instagram.
Most of the top people on Instagram are all women. Ariana Grande; 158 followers, Selena Gomez; 152 followers, Kim Kardashian; 152 followers. But on the list, Justin Bieber comes in. He is ranking just behind Beyoncé and slightly ahead of Cristiano Ronaldo.
Of all the Instagram accounts, Instagram is far the most popular with most followers. It has about 144.25 million followers. That is a full eighty one million more than Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and Beyoncé combined.
In the current world, most people are seen to stay glued on their phones, and Instagram plays a part in that. According to research, at least 59% of Americans check Instagram at least once in a day. Only ten percent confirm that they check Instagram after every few weeks.
In the U.S, an incredible 96% of the top fashion brands are on Instagram. This sort of adoption rate is very high for anything, let alone on social media platforms. However, the fact is that not only are the top fashion getting in the game, but around 85% of all the top brands use Instagram.
According to statistics, the United States has the leading number of Instagram users; 110 million. Brazil then follows it: 66 million, India: 64 million, Indonesia: 56 million, Russia: 35 million, Turkey: 34 million and Japan: 24 million
One of the most Instagram facts is that most of the teens are on Instagram. Nearly one in five at least have 300 followers. Likewise, 25% have a hundred or fewer followers, and 39% do not even know the number of followers they have. Therefore, the overall number of followers for teens on Instagram is a hundred and fifty.
As per the 2018 analysis, it was found out that Selena Gomez is the person with the most followers. She has 69.26 million followers just ahead of Taylor Swift, who had 69.13 million followers.
In the year 2017, the total number of Instagram users were 98.9 million users. This number is expected to increase to around 12o million by the year 2020 significantly.
One of the Instagram facts and most exciting developments is the ability of tagging products within posts. When it was announced that products could be tagged, these were great opportunities for most businesses.
Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. It has made sharing of content, fantastic fun and movements of the day with the friends and public easier. It has given us also the opportunity of following the latest trends and even making our trends.
The main reason people are loving Instagram is its ability to inspire us to go to the places by clicking the artistic pictures. It has made it easier for us making some space from our busy lives.
The above are just some of the Instagram facts you need to know. [email protected] will help you get the most from this platform. In case you have any concerns or suggestions about this topic, share it with us here.
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Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at