LinkedIn Job

LinkedIn Job – How To Use The Application Effectively To Find a Job

Whether you are a fresher or someone changing their current position, looking for a job is intimidating at every stage. Nowadays, with platforms like LinkedIn job, finding a vacancy is easy. But how can you ensure you are catching the eye of your favorite company?

Is simply filling in your details enough?

Or do you need to do more than that?

Without any further ado, let’s find out what more you can do to ensure you are getting that call back for an interview.

What Is A LinkedIn Job Posting?

What Is A LinkedIn Job Posting

If you have not been living under a rock, you should know what a LinkedIn job is. However, if you were, or this is your first time navigating through social media, then here is a simple definition:

  • Upon opening your LinkedIn account, you should come to a dashboard.
  • If you look at the bottom of the dashboard, you should find the ‘Jobs’ option.
  • Upon clicking, you will be redirected to LinkedIn jobs.
  • There is also a search bar and filter. This should help you filter through the jobs. Depending on your skill set and what you are looking for.

How To Ace Your LinkedIn Job Search

With so many jobs, you will not feel a lack of options. However, too many options can also lead to major confusion, so finding a method to this madness is important.

Filter Through The Right Job

Filter Through The Right Job

Filtering through the LinkedIn job section is the first and most important step of the process.

  • First, keep aside what you want and prioritize your needs. Are you willing to work from an office location, or would you rather take up remote working? Sacrificing for your dream job is one thing. However, you shouldn’t take up every adversity on your plate just to get a job.
  • Second, if you are willing to work in an office location, filter the right location. In some cases, you can also specify certain locations in one city. For example, the greater Delhi region. This way, you are saving your commute time beforehand.
  • Third, look for niche-oriented jobs. Do not add too many specifications at once. For example, you cannot be looking for ‘Copywriting’ and ‘Event Management’ jobs at the same time.

Do Not Bulk Send Your CV

Do Not Bulk Send Your CV

We often think the more we reach out, the chances of attracting a good job prospect also increase. Although that is not completely wrong, it is also a waste of time. Plus, when you start getting calls, you will forget which company you have applied to.

This is how you should go forth with your search:

  • First, create a perfect CV. Not too overboard, but with skills that will help you impress the recruiters. Add the important details like phone numbers, recommendation letters, and certifications for qualifications.
  • Second, make a list of LinkedIn that perfectly aligns with your previous job or college qualification.
  • Third, start applying for a few at first, and keep track of the ones you have applied. That is the name of the company, job description, and location specification.
  • Fourth, search for who is posting for the job. You should be able to find it upon clicking on the job. Go to their profile and make them a connection, or follow them. If you can find a phone number, that is great, or else a LinkedIn personal message will do.
  • Fifth, after 24 hours of applying for the job on LinkedIn, you can send them a personal message stating the job, your interest in the job, and a link to your CV. However, it would be best if you called the person hiring and got more details about the job. This will also help you get a better understanding.

Long-Term LinkedIn Job Search

Long-Term LinkedIn Job Search

For some, there is a dream job and a company. Getting which will strike off some imaginary list of life goals. However, getting such a job might be a little difficult. Most importantly, you will need-


  • First, find the decision makers of the branch you are planning to join. Create a connection or send them a follow-up request.
  • Second, for a month, like, comment, and share their posts. You can also do the same with the company’s post.
  • Third, do not try to gain a direct connection through personal messaging before applying for a job. Fair warning: this process might take months.
  • Fourth, keep your LinkedIn profile up to date. Add a professional photo of all your employment and educational qualifications, extra skills, and certificates you have gained.
  • Fifth, be active on LinkedIn. Find out the time at which the HR or decision makers of that particular company are online. Post credible and thoughtful content during that time.

Yes, this is almost like marketing yourself and getting attention.

What You Shouldn’t do when looking through a LinkedIn job posting

What You Shouldn’t do when looking through a LinkedIn job posting

Here are certain things you should avoid when looking through a LinkedIn job posting.

  • Having typing errors in your CV. This is your portal to a first impression. Yes, everyone is in a hurry to post for a job, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t recheck your CV.
  • Applying in bulk (…more than ten a day). You won’t be able to keep track of your job postings.
  • Leaving your efforts right after applying. You should try building some connection with the one posting for the job.
  • Be aware of LinkedIn job scams.
  • Putting unprofessional pictures on your LinkedIn. A picture does tell a thousand stories.
  • Posting personal stories, i.e., something which is not related to your professional field.

Ensure you do not make these errors, as it places a bad impression on your profile.

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Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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