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Unfortunately, online scams are all too common in our digital age, with millions of people falling victim to them every year, hence the need to protect your family against them.
According to Legaljobs, in the USA, one in ten adults becomes a victim of certain scams every year. The report also states that around 50% of people who are approached by scammers engage with them.
All of this means that most people, especially seniors, and kids, are unaware of the tactics scammers use, and therefore become victims of financial loss, identity theft, and much more.
While it can be difficult to keep up with the ever-changing methods of scammers, staying one step ahead is not impossible.
We’ll discuss 6 essential tips to help your family stay safe online and avoid becoming victims of online scams.
Here they are:
Educating your family about how to recognize a scam and the steps to take if they encounter one can help protect them from becoming victims.
Start by explaining that a scam is any fraudulent attempt to get money or personal information from an unsuspecting person. Then, discuss the common methods scammers use, such as phishing emails, pop-up ads, and fake websites.
Teach your family members to be suspicious of any emails they receive, especially those that ask for personal or financial information. Also, explain the risks of clicking links or downloading attachments from unknown sources.
Encourage your family members to use their common sense when they are online, and remind them to refrain from responding to emails or answering calls from people they don’t know.
If you suspect your relative has encountered a scam, advise them to contact their bank and local law enforcement immediately.
Keep an eye on news outlets and social media for reports of new scams or emerging threats, and ask your family members to do the same. Also, be sure to ask your children if they have heard about any online scams so you can discuss them together.
If someone is unsure about an email, text, or call, it’s best to be safe rather than sorry. Therefore, contacting the organization directly to verify the request is genuine and not a scam is always best. This is especially essential in financial requests, as scammers may be trying to steal money or even your identity.
Monitoring your family’s online activity is essential to ensure they are not engaging in activities that could lead to a scam. Start by setting up parental controls on each device used in the home and regularly check in on what websites or applications they are visiting.
As a parent, you should also be aware of the messages and emails your children send and any new social media accounts created. By being informed about their online activity, you can more easily identify if anything suspicious or inappropriate occurs.
Additionally, talk to your children about how important it is to keep their online activities safe. Let them know that sharing personal information online can make them vulnerable to online scams.
Phishing scams are widely used by cybercriminals to access one’s personal information and accounts. These scams involve emails that appear to be from a legitimate company, asking one to provide personal information such as credit card numbers or bank account information.
Your family should be aware of the signs of a phishing scam to avoid becoming victims. Tell them to look out for emails with poor grammar or spelling mistakes, strange or suspicious requests for personal information, or an offer that seems too good to be true.
If they ever receive an email that looks suspicious, tell them not to click on any links or open any attachments. Instead, it’s better to delete the email immediately and contact the company in question directly through their website or customer service number to ensure the email was legitimate.
Letting your relatives know about phishing scams and teaching them how to verify any emails they receive properly can help keep them safe from online fraudsters.
When your family members are online, they should be aware of the people they interact with. Tell them to never provide their personal information to anyone.
Let them understand that no legitimate company will ever ask to provide personal or financial information over email or messages. Also, make sure your relatives know that the consequences of their data being stolen are severe. Identity theft is one of the most dangerous threats. Scammers can open new accounts, loans, and credit cards to a victim’s name, and proving that a victim didn’t do it is not an easy task.
If someone calls and asks for bank account details or anything personal, tell your family members to hang up and write down the phone number. Then, they should check that phone number on PhoneHistory to see who was calling. After that, if they managed to find out who it was, the best option would be to google that name and see if the person was mentioned in any articles about scams or other fraudulent activities.
Keeping software up to date means your family will have access to the latest security patches, bug fixes, and other features. This is particularly important for browsers and operating systems but can also apply to other applications.
Most programs allow users to set up automatic updates to receive new versions as soon as they are released. This can be a great way to ensure your family’s devices are always protected.
Online scams can be devastating for anyone and are a bit difficult to identify, but by arming your family with the right knowledge, you can help them protect themselves and their personal information.
The tips listed above are a great starting point for getting your relatives ready to fend off any online scams. We all care about our loved ones and don’t want them to feel hurt.
It’s our responsibility to provide them with the necessary knowledge about online scams, especially if they are seniors who barely know how to use computers or kids who click on everything they see.
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Arnab Dey is a passionate blogger who loves to write on different niches like technologies, dating, finance, fashion, travel, and much more.
Nabamita Sinha, 4 days ago