Resources for E-Commerce Business Success
Nabamita Sinha, 3 days ago
Business owners nowadays need to start thinking about sustainability more since the public demands it.
People will think twice before buying from a business that is known for using bad ecological practices, and an increasing number of people will go out of their way to recommend businesses that show that they care about the environment.
Being sustainable will also give you the peace of mind that you’re at least not participating in the problem and are part of the solution.
Let’s take a look at a few ways that you can reduce your business’s carbon footprint.
If you have a large fleet of vehicles and they all use fuel, then you should consider either switching them all to electric or at least adding a few electric vehicles to your fleet. This will allow you to compare them with other vehicles in terms of efficiency and overall costs.
If you run an independent business where you have to travel a lot, then getting an electric car is a no-brainer. And if you’re worried about range because you have to make a lot of stops and travel distances, know that there are advanced chargers that can allow you to charge smarter at home.
A high-capacity charger will allow you to completely charge your vehicle from home in a few hours and most public chargers will allow you to charge your car completely or enough to keep you going during the day. So, this is not something that should stop you from electric vehicles, especially when considering all the savings you will make on fuel.
You should also consider switching to a green tariff. First, check if the supplier you’re with runs on renewables or gets their energy from renewable generators if you want to make the greatest impact.
If you’re not satisfied with how your supplier gets their renewable energy, then you can always go elsewhere such as texas choose power. Check when your current contract ends and start comparing green energy suppliers.
This is something you can do on sites like Ecotricity, Octopus Energy, Green Energy UK, or Good Energy. All you have to do next is notify your current supplier of your change and make the switch.
You cannot only think about what happens during business hours when calculating your carbon footprint.
You also have to think about how much energy is deployed to process all the waste your business is generating, as wasted food and materials are one of the biggest contributors to climate change. You also have to keep your electricity consumption under control and see where there might be leaks.
If you’re leaving equipment on or even plugged in overnight, then you might be wasting tons of energy without even realizing it. And you may be spending much more energy than you should.
This is because appliances keep consuming energy even when they’re plugged in, and if you don’t have a clear shutdown and unplug policy in your business, you need to implement one immediately.
You should also have an inspector come in and check the air tightness and insulation in your building. Poor insulation is one of the biggest reasons for energy waste during the cold months, and if your heating bills have been uncharacteristically high over the last few years, then there could be something wrong with your building. Bringing an inspector in will allow you to identify inefficiencies and make corrections fast.
Switching to a remote or hybrid workplace is not only a great way to reduce your operating costs, but also to reduce your overall carbon footprint. Consider allowing all or some of your employees to work remotely for at least part of the week. This will limit the amount of traveling everyone has to do.
Speaking of traveling, you should see if you can reduce the amount of business traveling you do yourself. Or at least try to use ecological traveling methods while doing so. See if you can have video conferences instead of traveling to meet clients face to face and privilege options like rail or sea travel instead of traveling by air if possible.
You May Also Check: 5 Simple Easy Ways You Can Be More Eco-Friendly!
Your roof can also make a huge difference in your carbon footprint. Pick a roof that uses eco-friendly materials, does not need to be carried for miles and is either recycled or recyclable. You can also pick a roofing material that will reduce your building energy needs, like a TPO membrane roof.
TPO membrane roofs are lightweight, made from sustainable material, and can be recycled. But the best part is that they reflect light, which will keep your building cool in the summer and reduce your need for air conditioning. So, if you want to reduce your costs and impact on the environment, consider looking at them today.
Sustainability should be on top of your mind as a business owner, not only because of profits but out of responsibility. If you want your business to do its part to save the planet, follow these few tips and always look for new ways to curb energy consumption and waste.
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Arnab Dey is a passionate blogger who loves to write on different niches like technologies, dating, finance, fashion, travel, and much more.