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Subhasree Nag, 17 hours ago
TikTok is one of the most popular and addictive social media platforms globally, with over 1 billion monthly active users. It allows you to create and share short videos of up to 60 seconds with various effects, filters, and music. You can also watch and interact with other users’ videos and discover new content and trends. However, getting “Shadow Banned TikTok” is one of the worst.
One of the most common and frustrating consequences many TikTok users face is the shadow ban. A shadow ban is a type of ban that limits your reach and visibility on TikTok without you knowing it. It means that your videos are not shown to anyone except yourself. Therefore, this prevents you from getting any views, likes, comments, or followers.
If you wish to know why you might get shadow-banned TikTok and how to get rid of your shadow-banned TikTok status, read this post till the end.
There are many possible reasons why you may get shadow-banned TikTok, but the most common ones are:
TikTok has a set of community guidelines that outline what kind of content and behavior is acceptable and unacceptable on the platform. Some of the TikTok content ideas that are prohibited on TikTok are:
If you post or share any content that violates these community guidelines, TikTok may remove your content, warn you, or shadow-ban you. Therefore, use the TikTok Creator Marketplace to avoid getting shadow-banned TikTok. Always remember – getting TikTok shadow banned is detrimental to your TikTok influencer marketing campaign.
TikTok uses hashtags and keywords to categorize and recommend your videos to other users. However, if you use hashtags or keywords that are irrelevant, misleading, or banned, TikTok may flag your videos as spam or inappropriate and shadow-ban you. These hashtags might help you go viral on TikTok, but also get you shadow-banned TikTok. These include:
TikTok uses an algorithm to determine how often and when to show your videos to other users. The algorithm considers many factors, such as your content quality, engagement, consistency, and frequency. Posting too much or too little may affect the algorithm’s perception of your account and shadow-ban you. Some of the things that may happen if you post too much or too little are:
There is no official or definitive way to know if you are shadow-banned on TikTok, as TikTok does not notify you or indicate your shadow-ban status. However, there are some signs and symptoms that may suggest that you are shadow-banned, such as:
Suppose you notice that your videos are getting much fewer views, likes, comments, or followers than usual without any apparent reason. In that case, it may mean that your videos are not being shown to anyone except yourself and that you are shadow-banned TikTok.
If you notice that your videos are not appearing on the For You Page or the hashtag pages you used, even after refreshing or searching multiple times, it may mean that your videos are not being recommended or categorized by the algorithm and that you are shadow-banned TikTok.
Suppose you notice that your videos do not appear on your profile or the profiles of your followers, even after refreshing or logging out and in. In that case, it may mean that your videos are not being displayed or updated by the platform and that you are shadow-banned TikTok.
You may be shadowbanned on TikTok if you experience these signs or symptoms. However, you should also consider other factors affecting your performance, such as your content quality, engagement, consistency, frequency, timing, competition, or trends.
There is no official or guaranteed way to get rid of a shadow ban on TikTok, as TikTok does not confirm or deny the existence or duration of the shadow ban. However, there are some tips and tricks that may help you lift or avoid the shadow ban, such as:
The first and most important thing to do is to review and follow TikTok’s community guidelines. This will help you ensure that your content and behavior are acceptable and appropriate on the platform. Therefore, avoid posting or sharing any content that violates these guidelines, such as illegal, hateful, sexual, spammy, and infringing content. In addition, report or block any content or user that violates the community guidelines.
The second thing to do is to use appropriate hashtags and keywords for your videos and ensure they are relevant. Therefore, avoid using any hashtags or keywords that are irrelevant, misleading, or banned. Additionally, research and use hashtags or keywords that are popular, trending, or niche and that match your content and audience.
The third thing to do is to post regularly and moderately and balance quantity and quality. You should avoid posting too much or too little and find the optimal frequency and timing for your videos. Therefore, experiment and test different types, formats, and styles of videos and see what works best for your followers.
The fourth thing to do is to engage with your followers. You must do so to build a loyal and active community. Therefore, respond to comments, give likes, follow back, shout out, collaborate, or duet with your followers and other users. In addition, watch and interact with other users’ videos and discover new content and trends.
As with any social media platform, TikTok also has some rules and guidelines that you must follow. If you violate these rules and policies, you may face some consequences. This includes having your account suspended, deleted, or shadow-banned TikTok.
You may be shadowbanned TikTok if you experience these signs or symptoms explained above. However, you should also consider other factors affecting your performance, such as your content quality, engagement, consistency, frequency, timing, competition, or trends.
Therefore, to avoid getting shadow-banned TikTok, you should post regularly and moderately and balance quantity and quality.
Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.