What Does CFS Mean on Instagram: Meaning, Benefits & Importance
Subhasree Nag, 1 hour ago
We all have that cringe contact on Snapchat. Or, probably someone from your workplace on your contact list. Don’t want to read and answer the messages from them? Use Snapchat Moons.
It is the new Do Not Disturb Mode on Snapchat. This is an excellent feature for all Snapchat users, for whom “Snapchat Planets” is a way to celebrate and flaunt friendship. This is a seamless way to avoid communication without hurting anyone’s feelings. 😉
Further, with the Snapchat Moons feature, you can now be the King/Queen of your digital universe or Snapchat Frienddom.
What Happens When You Activate Snapchat Moons? As you activate Snapchat Moons for a personal or group chat, you will not get any notification for the new incoming messages. However, you will still get to read the notifications and reply to them at your convenience. So, this feature also helps when you have a super busy day and do not want distractions with constant popups. In the Do Not Disturb or Snapchat Moons mode, the Moon Icon represents the notification for ensuring priority messaging. Thus, you can manage your notifications and choose the most crucial information to read without getting disturbed by disruptive messages. |
Moreover, by choosing the messages to read and address, you can now optimize your attention and time.
Snapchat Moons makes your messaging experience on the social media app easier and free of disturbances. You can easily activate Snapchat Moons or the Do Not Disturb Mode by pressing on a friend’s name on your Snapchat list for longer.
Once you press the name for longer, you will have access to settings. The settings option comes with a gear icon. You can choose the “Do Not Disturb” mode from there.
That’s it! It’s all quiet on the Snapchat front! Don’t worry, as you will never miss the crucial messages with this mode.
Snapchat Moons are only available to Snapchat+ users. It infuses some fun elements into the friendship ranking system of Snapchat.
Snapchat Moons are meaningful. Check out if you know it all.
The use of Snapchat Moons denotes the “Do Not Disturb Mode.” As I have explained, this is a way to put a person or group on mute. It helps to manage your chats and notifications easily.
However, the Snapchat Moons do not denote that the person is available. It is also not a metric to assess someone’s geographical location or break or sleeping patterns.
The Moons on Snapchat are sometimes the indicator of the Night Mode. Supposedly, you are at a movie theater or in a low-light condition.
Snapchat will ask you to activate the Night Mode for your app. As you activate the Night Mode, you will see a Moon icon.
Night mode ensures better readability of messages when there are dimly lit conditions.
The Full Moon icon shows that a person is now available for chat. When they go offline, the Full Moon icon will disappear.
Have you missed catching up with a friend on Snapchat for quite some time? It’s time to reconnect. Snapchat gives you a gentle nudge with a gentle half Moon icon.
Snapchat tells you to nurture friendships and stay in touch with the people who matter.
The Crescent Moon symbolizes the “Do Not Disturb Mode.” You can use this feature when you need a long sleep without interruptions or just spend some time with me time.
Is there a friend on Snapchat with whom you have not spoken for months? That Snapchat contact will have a blue Moon icon. It is a reminder to get in touch with them ASAP.
It’s inspired by the “Once in a Blue Moon” phase. Got it, right?
It will be noobish to guess someone’s schedule, sleeping habits, or work hours from Snapchat Moons. Also, Snapchat Moons do not indicate that someone is busy.
The activation of the Do Not Disturb Mode means that someone does not want to interact or receive messages at this moment.
Snapchat Moons help you to be more mindful about your priorities and time. When you have deadlines to meet and study before assessments, Snapchat Moons helps mute unwanted notifications and distractions.
Furthermore, features like Blue Moon and Half Moon work as gentle reminders to connect to your friends. In a subtle way, these teach you the importance of nurturing friendships and relationships.
You can follow this step-by-step instruction to use Snapchat Moons.
Snapchat Solar System is another prominent feature for Snapchat+ users. You can use the planets for friendship ranking. For example, Mercury is your best friend and Venus is your second best friend.
However, Snapchat Moons makes those rankings more meaningful or nuanced.
Mercury with a Full Moon: It indicates that you interact regularly with your best friend on Snapchat. Mars with a Crescent Moon: It means that you communicate with your best friend consistently, even if it is not as frequent as the Full Moon. Neptune with No Moon: This denotes that you have a distant connection with your friend with very engagement. |
Overall, the Snapchat Solar System becomes more interactive and stronger with the Snapchat Moons and Planets functioning together.
The Snapchat Planets And The Friend Solar System (Ranked In Order Of Your Best And Most Distant Friends) MercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptune |
Did You Know? Snapchat Moons adds a personalized touch to your app experience. It represents evolving friendships and the presence of people in our lives. It asks you to engage with the app and people more meaningfully. Furthermore, it asks you to take care of the friends you have. |
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A self-proclaimed Swiftian, Instagram-holic, and blogger, Subhasree eats, breathes, and sleeps pop culture. When she is not imagining dates with Iron Man on Stark Tower (yes, she has the biggest crush on RDJ, which she won’t admit), she can be seen tweeting about the latest trends. Always the first one to break viral news, Subhasree is addicted to social media, and leaves out no opportunity of blogging about the same. She is our go-to source for the latest algorithm updates and our resident editor.