Social Media manager

Social Media Manager Trend 2024: The Present is Mobile

published on: 06.12.2018 last updated on: 13.08.2024

The password for social media managers this year is “change.”

Social networks change, the users’ approach changes, and the social strategy of companies must change.

Just to keep up with the times.

Being able to have visibility on social media today is incredibly difficult. Organic reach is in constant decline, other than the golden years of Facebook when it was enough to post to position well.

In the years 2009-2011, the visibility of the brand was not yet a problem. Today, yes. Unfortunately. However, what to do?

The challenge of today’s SMM: Guaranteeing visibility and combining the social strategy with the company objectives


This, in a nutshell, is the challenge that social media managers must face in 2024. “The decline in organic reach is one of the main problems of recent months,” explained in an interesting webinar on the topic of Alexia Gattolin, content social marketing coordinator at Hootsuite.

All those who saw a place of free visibility on social networks are still disappointed. No more users reached without spending a penny, therefore, without advertising investments (planned, which is better).

The contents rewarded with visibility, most likely, will be those in which the end-user interacts more. So concretely, to combat the decline in organic reach, we can guarantee:

  • Quality instead of quantity: that is, writing what really brings benefits to the reference audience and not writing so much to make a number
  • The constant advertising budget for the promotion (and consequently the visibility) of the contents

In addition to ensuring visibility, the second challenge to be met in 2024 in social media management is to relate social analytics metrics to corporate objectives.

Today, there is certainly the awareness of having to measure and analyze data coming from social media. But sometimes, companies lack the know-how and tools to carry them out. What can you do about it?

  • Do not measure everything: analyze only the metrics related to company objectives (for example, brand awareness)
  • Use UTM codes (ie track the origin of traffic and conversions)
  • Map customer experience metrics (for business users, of course)

It is evident that having a good social media presence important for every brand, and it is going to work wonders for those who are aware of the current social media trends. Here are some of the important social media trends that you should know of. 

Video is king: Long-form video is making a comeback

Video is something that has been on this list for quite a while now, especially short-form video. It is one of the best ways to connect with your audience these days. However, long-form video is making a comeback. 

TikTok has been producing long-for videos that started with a minute long. After that, they tried videos that were ten minutes long, and now they are testing videos that are thirty minutes long. And it is believed to have positive outcomes. 

Brands with social media communities are winning

Social media is not just about posting content. It also requires a company to build a good relationship with its audience, as well as build trust and loyalty. You cannot just post content and hope for the best. You have to engage with your audience as well. 

Creating content and sharing it on social media is just one part of the work; the other part is building a community. This is the more important part, and you have to consider this equally as the first part. 

Playful content is the new personality

The “edgy” voice is not going to work any longer. It is time to experiment with playful content. Brands are tapping into the meme culture in creative ways and combining their voice with the voice of the internet in meaningful ways.  

Most of the brands are experimenting with this and creating quirky visual content as well. It is important to give a human touch to your content and, at the same time, make it relatable. You have to know your audience’s preferences and create content that resonates with them. 

SEO is important for social media as well

People thes are doing their research through hashtags and not through Google. Of course, for elaborate research, they seek help from Google, but the primary research is through hashtags over social media. 

It would be a mistake if you underestimate the power of social media. You have to optimize the content for visibility, both for search and feed. Use the right keywords in the caption and the right hashtags within the alt text. 

Behind-the-scenes content

The audience looks for authentic content for transparency about business practices on social media. If brands want to set an example for their audience that they stand out, then it is normal to expect that they are going to be transparent about their business and values. 

Look for chances through which you can be more transparent about your practices, products, and businesses. Start with the simplest. For instance, a behind-the-scenes video of your office and the work proceedings. Get your audience some proof of your statements. 

Today, engagement on social media has decreased, and the passive audience has increased

Today, social networks have reduced engagement, and there is an increase in passive audiences.

But what exactly do these trends mean? It means that from the data analysis available, most of the time people spend on their phones, they use it for social media.

Grossly speaking, every 3 minutes spent connected to a smartphone or tablet, 1 minute is dedicated to social media. To do what is said early: “passive” users increase.

We do not use social networks just to post our moods but to pass the time (39%), to access the news (39%), and for entertainment and leisure (60%, Hootsuite data).

In short, we produce less and less content. In addition, social networks are starting to compete with search engines and be a threat to them.

It is an increasing trend, given the fact that an increasing number of consumers incorporate social networks in the process of purchasing a product.

The search on social media, as if they were a traditional search engine, and in the very young (16-24 years), the search for a product on social networks has surpassed the search for the same via the traditional search engine.

Wrapping up!

It is not always possible to know what new trend is going around. They do not pop with a notification sound letting you know of the latest trends. They have a tendency to drop a bomb on you when you are not prepared for it.

However, at large, you can have a look at the social media marketing trends and build a strong strategy that can lead your company to success. Ths also creates a solid foundation, which is not possible for a new platform to shake.

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A self-proclaimed Swiftian, Instagram-holic, and blogger, Subhasree eats, breathes, and sleeps pop culture. When she is not imagining dates with Iron Man on Stark Tower (yes, she has the biggest crush on RDJ, which she won’t admit), she can be seen tweeting about the latest trends. Always the first one to break viral news, Subhasree is addicted to social media, and leaves out no opportunity of blogging about the same. She is our go-to source for the latest algorithm updates and our resident editor.

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