7 Reasons Your PPC Campaign Isn’t Converting (And How to Fix It)
Pijus Maity, 1 week ago
Whenever it comes to marketing the product, you always tend to have multiple options. Also, you must have heard digital marketing is the only way to market effectively.
On the other hand, when surrounded by plenty of options and myths, it’s destined to feel inundated. Under such circumstances, it’s great to go back to square one. We are talking about leveraging traditional marketing techniques.
The next question you might ask is – There are so many traditional marketing techniques available, so which one to use? Don’t fret; we are here to answer the same.
Below we have shared a bunch of the best traditional marketing channels which give surprisingly high ROI. Let’s begin.
One of the strategies that share hate and love relationships with marketers. Some feel it’s not worthwhile, while others think it’s effective.
Earlier, we mean decades back, using the cold calls method felt intrusive and a waste of time. But things have changed due to having access to certain tools and technologies.
The marketers now have the chance first to warm the lead and then pitch. Along with phone numbers and names, cold lists nowadays contain other details, such as occupation, interests, age, region, etc. Using the gathered data, marketers can easily leverage cold calling as Steve Jobs did in the initial days of building Apple.
Also called Broadcasting, TV ads are still in demand. You might believe with the rise in the number of OTT platforms, people no longer watch TV.
Contrary to your beliefs, TV continues to be the preferred choice for passing the time. Americans especially still resort to TV only to watch their favorite shows, events, sports, award shows, etc.
As TV reaches large audiences, leveraging linear TV advertising services works in favor. Also, running TV ads is affordable and allows you to show ads in different formats.
It is certainly one of the oldest traditional marketing techniques that will never go out of trend. Even after so many years, it is still sticking around.
By combining copywriting and billboards, several brands get the attention they deserve. Take the example of Netflix, Mcdonald’s, Burger King, and Coke; they still run billboard ads. Netflix is the star of the billboard game.
Although, calculating ROI in the case of billboards is a bit sophisticated as they target a huge audience. Billboards are best if you wish to stay in the audience’s mind for a long time.
To do so, be as creative as you can and play with different designs. When you let the creative juices flow while creating billboards and keep the message short and crisp, you reap the real advantage.
If you ever get a chance to set up a face-to-face meeting with your client, then never backstep. Meeting in person still works better than virtual meets. No, we aren’t saying virtual meetings are worth nothing. But when you opt for face-to-face interaction, along with networking and nurturing the lead, you get to leverage multiple benefits.
Also, face-to-face interaction is the best approach for effective sales and increasing customer retention. In one of the surveys, it was found that the top-level management still prefers in-person meetings over virtual meetings.
Meeting your clients face-to-face allows you to read their facial expressions, notice body language, sense the vibe, get in their shoes, and analyze several more things. There is some personalization when communicating.
On the other hand, talking on the phone or via email, you can notice nothing except their words and tone. It’s more like guesswork, or you may happen to misinterpret their message. To avoid this, go for traditional marketing techniques.
Do you believe direct mail is dead? If yes, then you are mistaken. It’s still as prevalent as leveraging linear TV advertising services to influence customers. There are plenty of services to conduct direct mail fulfilment for your business, that can all a personalized and targeted communication to a customer base.
In the study by Pebble Post, it was found that direct mail directly influences the purchasing power of potential customers. There are high chances of converting a lead to a customer through direct mail if they are in the last stages of the funnel.
Some people still prefer to receive customized postcards, promotional offers, newsletters, catalogs, brochures, etc., via Direct Mail. Moreover, during the pandemic, the USPS saw a spike in consumers who rely on direct mail due to social distancing regulations.
For some, this medium works as a prompt to go online and make a purchase. The key to success in this traditional marketing strategy is to target existing customers only. Those who know your brand well and would love to purchase from you. Using this approach saves both time and hard-earned money.
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Instead of getting caught in the dilemma of choosing digital or traditional, find the sweet spot. There are still some traditional marketing techniques, such as linear TV advertising services, that work like a charm.
You need not break the bank or learn hard and fast rules to generate high ROI. Above, we have listed different traditional marketing avenues which help you interact well with customers.
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Arnab Dey is a passionate blogger who loves to write on different niches like technologies, dating, finance, fashion, travel, and much more.
Nabamita Sinha, 1 week ago